Monday, October 2, 2017

Emmie's 10 Top Goofball Gore Fests

We all know it. There's serious horror. Then there's schlock. Schlock as I see it is gore meets comedy meets some subliminal sex/let's get laid kind of vibe. This is a list of my 10 favorite (in no particular order) "films" to play at parties for the sheer WTF factor.

House of 1000 Corpses--Rob Zombie's magnum opus that introduced us to the redneck charm of Captain Spaulding.

Nosferatu--I mean the old one, the version Florence Stoker tried to stop for copyright infringement. It's a good one, and I dare you not to do your own Count Orlock impressions.

Plan 9 from Outer Space--The worst film ever made by the worst director in history? Ed Wood gets a rough treatment from critics, but there's no way we can watch this and not get a good laugh.

Dead Alive--Once held to be THE goriest movie ever, this was directed by Peter Jackson before he went all Middle Earth. You won't want any soup for a while.

Q--That's short for Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec serpent deity who is alive and well and snatching big-boobed chicks off of rooftops in Manhattan.

Wizard of Gore--This often serves as the training film for people deadly serious about joining the ranks of the Horror Army. It's not the graphics that power the film, it's the sheer ambition.

Terror Toons--The object lesson as to why we need to make sure our mail isn't coming from Satan.

Brainscan--When does virtual reality become reality? I've been for the actual game to be available for years now. No luck. ;)

Satan's Cheerleaders--You probably already have figured this one out. Yvonne DeCarlo (Lily Munster) is an evil priestess and well worth watching.

Killer Klownz from Outer Space--This may be the best cashing in on the prevalent fear of clowns I've ever seen.

Todd and the Book of Pure Evil--This is a Canadian gore, adventure, and humor fest that ran for two seasons before getting cancelled. Don't miss it!

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