Sunday, June 5, 2011

Final Destination Forever!

"Ok. Ok, what if, for example, the last in line were to make the utilitarian choice. Kill themselves. Well, wow, that's pretty much gonna ruin any plan deaths put in motion. And even better, I think that's gonna save, five skipped lives. Any takers?"

So I finally got to see Final Destination 3 last night. Now goofy as it is, I'm a big fan of the series, and while this one wasn't quite as good as the others, it was still hugely entertaining and wonderfully gory.

What I REALLY liked and urge everyone to rent the film to watch is the animated short, "It's All Around You". The it, of course, is death. Basically, the thrust of the piece is that death is everywhere and is going to get us all, so quit moping and enjoy life. This is a philosophy I've kept for a long time now, so it's no wonder I liked it. But I got a real kick out of the odds and stats that were presented. For example, think about the usual one in a million stat. All right. So the population of the United States is roughly 280 million people. Technically, that would mean that 280 separate one in a million events would happen every day.

Oh...and your chances of dying? One to one.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me giggle, whatever that says about me.

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